The best way to Troubleshoot Car or truck & Vehicle Problems 1Search for any recalls or Technical Service Bulletins that have been issued for your car's make and model by the manufacturer. The problem may lie in a faulty part.2Read reports created about your vehicle's make and model to determine what troubles were experienced by other vehicle owners in their long-time use of the car or truck. Find these articles on manufacturer's websites or third-party reviewers.
3Follow the step-by-step diagnosing procedures found online by technicians and automobile repair companies. Narrow down your car's potential problems with these interactive questionnaires that ask a series of questions about its performance.4Narrow the problem down to a subsystem within your vehicle based on its odd performance. For example, if the auto squeaks when you step on the brakes Auto diagnostic tool, you may have a problem in the brake subsystem.
5Watch for any of your car's warning lights to appear. Your vehicle is most likely equipped with built-in light symbols along the dashboard that will appear when the automobile is experiencing a problem Car Diagnostic Tools. Match the light that turns on with the specific problem associated with that light, such as low fuel or uneven tire pressure. Check your fuel gauges and engine temperature as well.6Listen for sounds that your vehicle makes that are abnormal. A cranking sound during the ignition phase of start-up may indicate that your battery is low.